Trite is valid Scrabble Word

Is trite a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trite valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRITE in dictionary:

Words related to TRITE

tritely10 triteness9 triter6 trites6 tritest7

Words that contain TRITE

triter6 trites6 attrite7 nitrite7 tritely10 tritest7 attrited9 attrites8 contrite10 epitrite10 nitrites8 epitrites11 triteness9 contritely15 lithotrite13 triternate10 hyponitrite19 lithotrites14 tritenesses11 contriteness14 hyponitrites20 endometrites15 contritenesses16

How to use TRITE in a sentence

Similar words containing TR without suffix ite

try6 tra3 trad5 tram6 trap6 trat4 tray7 tree4 tref7 trek8 trem6 tres4 tret4 trew7 trey7 trez13 trie4 trig5 trim6 trin4 trio4 trip6 trod5 trog5 tron4 trop6 trot4 trou4 trow7 troy7 true4 trug5 trye7 tryp9 tris4 antra5 antre5 atria5 atrip7 entry8 estro5 extra12 intra5 intro5 litre5 metre7 metro7 mitre7 nitre5 nitro5 nitry8 outre5 outro5 petre7 petri7 retro5 retry8 strad6 strae5 strag6 strak9 strap7 straw8 stray8 strep7 strew8 stria5 strig6 strim7 strip7 strop7 strow8 stroy8 strum7 strut5 sutra5 tetra5 tetri5 titre5 trabs7 trace7 track11 tract7 trade6 trads6 tragi6 traik9 trail5 train5 trait5 tramp9 trams7 trank9 tranq14 trans5 trant5 trape7 traps7 trapt7 trash8 trass5 trats5 tratt5 trave8 trawl8 trayf11 trays8 tread6 treat5 treck11 treed6 treen5 trees5 trefa8 treif8 treks9 trema7 trems7 trend6 tress5 trest5 trets5 trews8 treyf11 treys8 triac7 triad6 trial5 tribe7 trice7 trick11 tride6 tried6 trier5 tries5 triff11 trigo6 trigs6 trike9 trild6 trill5 trims7 trine5 trins5 triol5 trior5 trios5 tripe7 trips7 tripy10 trist5 troad6 troak9 troat5 trock11 trode6 trods6 trogs6 trois5 troke9 troll5 tromp9 trona5 tronc7 trone5 tronk9 trons5 troop7 trooz14 trope7 troth8 trots5 trout5 trove8 trows8 troys8 truce7 truck11 trued6 truer5 trues5 trugo6 trugs6 trull5 truly8 trump9 trunk9 truss5 trust5 truth8 tryer8 tryke12 tryma10 tryps10 tryst8 ultra5 vitro8 yatra8 amtrac10 amtrak12 antral6 antres6 antrum8 astral6 astray9 astrut6 atrial6 atrium8 attrap8 attrit6 betray11 betrim10 betrod9 bistre8 bistro8 centra8 centre8 centry11 citral8 citric10 citrin8 citron8 citrus8 contra8 cuatro8 dartre7 dextro14 elytra9 entrap8 entree6 entrez15 estral6 estray9 estrin6 estros6 estrum8 estrus6 etrier6 extras13 feutre9 filtre9 footra9 foutra9 foutre9 fratry12 gantry10 gentry10 goitre7 gutrot7 hatred10 hostry12 hotrod10 iatric8 intron6 intros6 latria6 latron6 lettre6 litres6 lustra6 lustre6 mantra8 matres8 matric10 matrix15 matron8 metred9 metres8 metric10 metros8 mitral8 mitred9 mitres8 montre8 natron6 nitres6 nitric8 nitrid7 nitril6 nitros6 nitrox13 nitryl9 nostro6 nutria6 octroi8 osetra6 outran6 outred7 outrig7 outros6 outrow9 outrun6 paltry11 pantry11 pastry11 patrol8 patron8 peltry11 petrel8 petres8
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