Trans is valid Scrabble Word

Is trans a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trans valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRANS in dictionary:

Words that contain TRANS

transe6 transes7 transit7 transom9 dextrans16 transact10 transect10 transept10 transfer11 transfix18 tranship13 transire8 transits8 transmew13 transmit10 transoms10 transude9 transume10 transman10 transmen10 transacts11 transaxle16 transcend12 transcode12 transduce12 transects11 transenna9 transepts11 transeunt9 transfard13 transfect14 transfers12 transfixt19 transform14 transfuse12 transgene10 tranships14 transhume14 transient9 transires9 transited10 translate9 transmews14 transmits11 transmove14 transmute11 transomed12 transonic11 transpire11 transport11 transpose11 transship14 transuded11 transudes10 transumed12 transumes11 transumpt13 transvest12 cotransfer15 retransfer13 retransmit12 transacted13 transactor12 transaxles17 transcends13 transcoded14 transcoder13 transcodes13 transcribe14 transcript14 transduced14 transducer13 transduces13 transected13 transennas10 transeptal12 transexual17 transfects15 transferal13 transferee13 transferor13 transfixed21 transfixes20 transforms15 transfused14 transfuser13 transfuses13 transgenes11 transgenic13 transgress11 transhumed16 transhumes15 transience12 transiency15 transients10 transistor10 transiting11 transition10 transitive13 transitory13 translated11 Show more ...

Similar words containing TRAN without suffix s

trank9 tranq14 trant5 outran6 strand7 strang7 trance8 tranks10 tranny9 tranqs15 transe6 trants6 astrand8 dextran15 entrant7 intrant7 latrant7 outrang8 outrank11 strands8 strange8 titrant7 tranced10 trances9 trancey12 tranche12 tranect9 trangam10 trangle8 tranked12 trankum13 trannie7 transes7 transit7 transom9 tranted8 tranter7 citrange11 dextrans16 entrance10 entrants8 estrange9 etranger9 extranet15 intranet8 intrants8 outrance10 outrange9 outranks12 stranded10 strander9 stranger9 stranges9 strangle9 titrants8 tranches13 tranchet13 trancier10 trancing11 tranects10 trangams11 trangles9 tranking13 trankums14 trannies8 tranquil17 transact10 transect10 transept10 transfer11 transfix18 tranship13 transire8 transits8 transmew13 transmit10 transoms10 transude9 transume10 tranters8 tranting9 transman10 transmen10 astrantia9 citranges12 entranced12 entrances11 estranged11 estranger10 estranges10 etrangere10 etrangers10 extranets16 intranets9 mestranol11 outrances11 outranged11 outranges10 outranked14 penetrant11 Show more ...
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