Transects is valid Scrabble Word

Is transects a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is transects valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRANSECTS in dictionary:

Words related to TRANSECTS

transect10 transected13 transecting14

Similar words containing ECT without suffix s and without prefix trans

sect6 eject14 elect7 erect7 recta7 recti7 recto7 sects7 spect9 tecta7 abject17 advect12 affect14 arrect8 aspect10 bisect10 dectet9 defect12 deject16 detect9 direct9 ectopy13 ectype13 effect14 ejecta15 ejects15 elects8 erects8 expect17 exsect15 hectic13 hector11 humect13 infect11 inject15 insect8 lectin8 lector8 nectar8 object17 obtect10 pecten10 pectic12 pectin10 rectal8 rector8 rectos8 rectum10 rectus8 refect11 reject15 resect8 sector8 select8 spects10 tectal8 tectum10 vector11 abjects18 advects13 affects15 aspects11 bisects11 carrect11 cathect14 coerect11 collect11 confect14 conject18 connect11 convect14 correct11 dectets10 defects13 deflect13 dejecta17 dejects17 detects10 dialect10 directs10 disject17 dissect10 ectases9 ectasia9 ectasis9 ectatic11 ecthyma17 ectopia11 ectopic13 ectozoa18 ectypal14 ectypes14 effects15 ejected17 ejector16 elected10 electee9 elector9 electro9 erected10 Show more ...
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