Be is valid Scrabble Word

Is be a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is be valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BE in dictionary:

Words related to BE

am4 are3 art3 been6 being8 beingless12 beingness12 beings9 bist6 is2 obsolete10 was6 wast7 were7 wert7

Words that contain BE

bed6 bee5 beg6 bel5 ben5 bes5 bet5 bey8 bez14 obe5 bev8 abbe8 abed7 aber6 abet6 albe6 babe8 bead7 beak10 beal6 beam8 bean6 bear6 beat6 beau6 beck12 bede7 beds7 bedu7 beef9 been6 beep8 beer6 bees6 beet6 bego7 begs7 bein6 bell6 bels6 belt6 bema8 bend7 bene6 beni6 benj13 bens6 bent6 bere6 berg7 berk10 berm8 best6 beta6 bete6 beth9 bets6 bevy12 beys9 bibe8 cube8 debe7 dobe7 gibe7 gybe10 hebe9 ibex13 jibe13 jobe13 jube13 kibe10 lobe6 lube6 mabe8 mobe8 nabe6 obes6 obey9 pube8 robe6 rube6 sabe6 tube6 unbe6 vibe9 ybet9 urbe6 abbed10 abbes9 abbey12 abeam9 abear7 abele7 abers7 abets7 adobe8 albee7 amber9 babel9 babes9 barbe9 Show more ...

How to use BE in a sentence

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