Affection is valid Scrabble Word

Is affection a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is affection valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for AFFECTION in dictionary:

Words related to AFFECTION

affectional19 affectionally24 affectioned20 affectioning21 affectionless21 affections18 storge7

Words that contain AFFECTION

affections18 affectional19 affectioned20 affectionate20 affectioning21 disaffection21 affectionally24 affectionless21 disaffections22 affectionately25 unaffectionate22 disaffectionate24 unaffectionatel23 unaffectionately27

How to use AFFECTION in a sentence

Similar words containing AFFEC without suffix tion

affect14 affects15 affected17 affecter16 affecters17 affecting18 affective20 disaffect18 affectable20 affectedly22 affections18 affectless18 disaffects19 unaffected19 affectation19 affectingly23 affectional19 affectioned20 affectively25 affectivity25 disaffected21 unaffecting20 affectations20 affectedness21 affectionate20 affectioning21 disaffecting22 disaffection21 unaffectedly24 affectability26 affectionally24 affectionless21 affectiveness24 affectivities24 disaffectedly26 disaffections22 affectednesses23 affectionately25 affectlessness22 unaffectedness23 unaffectionate22 affectabilities25 affectivenesses26 disaffectedness25 disaffectionate24 schizoaffective40 affectlessnesse23 unaffectednesse24 unaffectionatel23 unaffectionately27 unaffectednesses25 affectlessnesses24
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