Sir is valid Scrabble Word

Is sir a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is sir valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SIR in dictionary:

Words related to SIR

siree5 sirra5 sirred7 sirring8 sirs4 towkay16

Words that contain SIR

sire4 siri4 sirs4 aesir5 sired6 siree5 siren5 sires5 sirih8 siris5 siroc7 sirra5 sirup7 desire7 mahsir11 sircar8 sirdar7 sirees6 sirens6 sirihs9 siring7 sirkar10 sirocs8 sirrah9 sirras6 sirred7 sirree6 sirups8 sirupy11 yessir9 desired9 desirer8 desires8 mahsirs12 sircars9 sirdars8 sirenic9 sirgang9 sirings8 sirkars11 sirloin7 sirname9 sirocco11 siroset7 sirrahs10 sirrees7 sirring8 sirtuin7 siruped10 desirers9 desiring10 desirous9 goodsire10 grandsir10 gudesire10 sirenian8 sirenise8 sirenize17 sirgangs10 siriases8 siriasis8 sirloins8 sirnamed11 sirnames10 siroccos12 sironise8 sironize17 sirtuins8 sirupier10 siruping11 sirvente11 transire8 yessiree11 desirable12 desirably15 goodsires11 grandsire11 grandsirs11 gudesires11 sirenians9 sirenised10 sirenises9 sirenized19 sirenizes18 sirnaming12 sironised10 sironises9 sironized19 sironizes18 sirupiest11 sirventes12 transires9 undesired11 desirables13 desireless11 desirously14 grandsires12 sirenising11 sirenizing20 sironising11 sironizing20 Show more ...

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