As is valid Scrabble Word

Is as a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is as valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for AS in dictionary:

Words related to AS

aesir5 asar4 asses5

Words that contain AS

aas3 ash6 ask7 asp5 ass3 bas5 das4 eas3 fas6 gas4 has6 kas7 las3 mas5 nas3 pas5 ras3 tas3 vas6 was6 yas6 zas12 abas6 agas5 aias4 akas8 alas4 amas6 anas4 asar4 asci6 asea4 ashy10 asks8 asps6 auas4 avas7 baas6 base6 bash9 bask10 bass6 bast6 bias6 boas6 bras6 caas6 casa6 case6 cash9 cask10 cast6 ceas6 chas9 dash8 ease4 east4 easy7 eras4 etas4 eyas7 faas7 fash10 fast7 fras7 gash8 gasp7 gast5 goas5 hash10 hask11 hasp9 hass7 hast7 hoas7 itas4 jasp13 jass11 jasy14 kaas8 keas8 koas8 kvas11 lase4 lash7 lass4 last4 leas4 lias4 maas6 masa6 mase6 mash9 mask10 mass6 mast6 masu6 mnas6 moas6 nyas7 oast4 Show more ...

How to use AS in a sentence

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