Fas is valid Scrabble Word

Is fas a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is fas valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FAS in dictionary:

Words related to FAS


Words that contain FAS

fash10 fast7 alfas8 fasci10 fasti8 fasts8 jafas15 sofas8 tufas8 chufas14 defast10 fasces11 fascia11 fascio11 fascis11 fashed13 fashes12 fasted10 fasten9 faster9 fastie9 fastly12 halfas12 jaffas19 loofas9 luffas12 nakfas13 nefast9 sulfas9 yarfas12 buffas14 bedfast13 defaste11 fasciae12 fascial12 fascias12 fascine12 fascism14 fascist12 fashery16 fashing14 fashion13 fastens10 fasters10 fastest10 fasties10 fasting11 fastish13 outfast10 sitfast10 sunfast10 tubfast12 antifas10 alfalfas14 cragfast14 deskfast16 fasciate13 fascicle15 fascines13 fasciola13 fasciole13 fascismi15 fascismo15 fascisms15 fascista13 fascisti13 fascists13 fascitis13 fashions14 fashiony17 fashious14 fastback19 fastball13 fastened12 fastener11 fastings12 fastness11 fastuous11 handfast15 headfast15 holdfast15 khalifas18 landfast12 lockfast17 makefast17 outfasts11 overfast14 refasten11 sitfasts11 stedfast12 tubfasts13 unfasten11 washfast17 breakfast18 calctufas16 colorfast14 deskfasts17 earthfast15 fasciated15 fascicled17 fascicles16 Show more ...

How to use FAS in a sentence

Similar words containing FA without suffix s

fa5 faa6 fab8 fad7 fae6 fag7 fah9 fan6 fap8 far6 fat6 faw9 fax13 fay9 afar7 alfa7 faan7 faas7 fabs9 face9 fact9 fade8 fado8 fads8 fady11 faff13 fags8 fahs10 faik11 fail7 fain7 fair7 faix14 fake11 fall7 falx14 fame9 fand8 fane7 fang8 fank11 fano7 fans7 fard8 fare7 farl7 farm9 faro7 fars7 fart7 fash10 fast7 fate7 fats7 faun7 faur7 faut7 faux14 fava10 fave10 fawn10 faws10 fays10 faze16 jafa14 ofay10 offa10 sofa7 tufa7 fale7 fait7 afald9 afara8 afars8 alfas8 buffa13 chufa13 defat9 fabby15 fable10 faced11 facer10 faces10 facet10 facia10 facta10 facts10 faddy13 faded10 fader9 fades9 fadge10 fados9 faena8 faery11 faffs14 faffy17 faggy13 fagin9 fagot9 Show more ...
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