Has is valid Scrabble Word

Is has a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is has valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HAS in dictionary:

Words related to HAS

ha5 have10 having13

Words that contain HAS

chas9 hash10 hask11 hasp9 hass7 hast7 aghas9 chase10 chasm12 ephas10 ghast9 hahas11 hashy14 hasks12 hasps10 hasta8 haste8 hasty11 kohas12 mihas10 phase10 puhas10 shash11 tahas8 aghast10 alohas9 alphas11 arohas9 bachas13 bighas12 chased12 chaser11 chases11 chasms13 chasmy16 chasse11 chaste11 dachas12 doshas10 ghasts10 hashed13 hashes12 haslet9 hasped12 hassar9 hassel9 hasses9 hassle9 hasted10 hasten9 hastes9 kashas13 mochas13 muthas11 nachas11 pachas13 pashas11 phased12 phaser11 phases11 phasic13 phasis11 phasor11 rathas9 rehash12 sabhas11 shasta9 sidhas10 subhas11 unhasp11 jathas16 hoohas12 aphasia12 aphasic14 berthas12 brothas12 buddhas14 bugshas13 buqshas21 burkhas16 calthas12 canchas14 chasers12 chasing13 chasmal14 chasmed15 chasmic16 chassed13 chasses12 chassis12 chasten12 chaster12 chichas17 conchas14 datchas13 diphase13 dobhash16 duhkhas18 dukkhas19 enchase12 epochas14 Show more ...

How to use HAS in a sentence

Similar words containing HA without suffix s

ha5 aha6 cha8 had7 hae6 hag7 hah9 haj13 ham8 han6 hao6 hap8 hat6 haw9 hay9 sha6 wha9 hai6 hac8 agha8 bhai9 bhat9 chad10 chai9 chal9 cham11 chao9 chap11 char9 chas9 chat9 chav12 chaw12 chay12 dhak12 dhal8 epha9 ghat8 haaf10 haar7 habu9 hack13 hade8 hadj15 hads8 haed8 haem9 haen7 haes7 haet7 haff13 haft10 hagg9 hags8 haha10 hahs10 haik11 hail7 hain7 hair7 haji14 hajj21 haka11 hake11 haku11 hale7 half10 hall7 halm9 halo7 halt7 hame9 hams9 hand8 hang8 hank11 hant7 haos7 haps9 hapu9 hard8 hare7 hark11 harl7 harm9 harn7 haro7 harp9 hart7 hash10 hask11 hasp9 hass7 hast7 hate7 hath10 hats7 haud8 hauf10 haul7 Show more ...
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