Her is valid Scrabble Word

Is her a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is her valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HER in dictionary:

Words that contain HER

cher9 herb9 herd8 here7 herl7 herm9 hern7 hero7 hers7 hery10 herp9 chere10 chert10 ether8 herbs10 herby13 herds9 heres8 herls8 herma10 herms10 herns8 heron8 heros8 herry11 herse8 hertz17 herye11 ither8 ocher10 other8 sherd9 shere8 shero8 there8 therm10 usher8 where11 heroe8 shers8 adhere10 aether9 anther9 archer11 ashery12 basher11 bather11 blaher11 bother11 busher11 cherry14 cherts11 cherty14 cherub13 cherup13 cipher13 cither11 cohere11 cosher11 cypher16 dasher10 dither10 either9 etcher11 ethers9 father12 fisher12 fother12 gacher12 gasher10 gather10 gherao10 gopher12 gusher10 herald10 herbal11 herbar11 herbed12 herded11 herden10 herder10 herdic12 hereat9 hereby14 herein9 hereof12 hereon9 heresy12 hereto9 heried10 heries9 heriot9 hermae11 hermai11 hermit11 hernia9 heroes9 heroic11 heroin9 herons9 heroon9 Show more ...

How to use HER in a sentence

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