Heres is valid Scrabble Word

Is heres a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is heres valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HERES in dictionary:

Words related to HERES

haeres9 here7 heredes11

Words that contain HERES

heresy12 theres9 wheres12 adheres11 coheres12 inheres10 spheres12 whereso13 heresies11 houheres14 nowheres14 phereses13 pheresis13 usheress11 anywheres18 aphereses14 apheresis14 archeress14 coinheres14 enspheres14 inspheres14 isotheres12 motherese14 oospheres14 ratherest12 torcheres14 unspheres14 biospheres17 dinotheres14 ecospheres17 exospheres22 geospheres16 heresiarch18 megatheres16 mothereses15 noospheres15 pantheress15 somewheres18 usheresses13 wheresoeer16 aerospheres16 archeresses16 atmospheres18 baryspheres21 deinotheres15 hemispheres21 heresiarchs19 heresiology18 heresthetic19 infospheres19 ionospheres16 mesospheres18 podospheres19 uintatheres14 wheresoever20 astrospheres17 bathyspheres25 blogospheres20 chemospheres24 cosmospheres21 heliospheres20 heresthetics20 hydrospheres24 isodiapheres18 lithospheres20 microspheres21 ozonospheres26 pantheresses17 photospheres22 planispheres19 rhizospheres29 titanotheres15 tropospheres19 blastospheres20 centrospheres20 chalicotheres23 chromospheres25 heresiography25 heresiologies17 heresiologist17 heresthetical21 phyllospheres26 rhabdospheres24 stratospheres18 thermospheres23 trochospheres23 nowheresville22 asthenospheres22 heresiographer23 heresiologists18 heresthetician22 magnetospheres22 philosopheress24 plasmaphereses23 plasmapheresis23 nowheresvilles23 chromatospheres27 heresiographers24 heresiographies24 herestheticians23

How to use HERES in a sentence

Similar words containing HERE without suffix s

here7 chere10 shere8 there8 where11 adhere10 cohere11 hereat9 hereby14 herein9 hereof12 hereon9 heresy12 hereto9 inhere9 sphere11 theres9 wheres12 adhered12 adherer11 adheres11 cohered13 coherer12 coheres12 heredes11 heretic12 houhere13 inhered11 inheres10 nowhere13 ochered13 shereef13 sphered13 spheres12 thereat10 thereby15 therein10 thereof13 thereon10 thereto10 ushered11 whereas13 whereat13 whereby18 wherein13 whereof16 whereon13 whereso13 whereto13 othered11 adherend13 adherent12 adherers12 anywhere17 bothered14 ciphered16 cipherer15 coherent13 coherers13 coinhere13 coshered14 cosherer13 cyphered19 dithered13 ditherer12 ensphere13 ethereal11 fathered15 fothered15 gathered13 gatherer12 gophered15 hereaway17 heredity15 herefrom16 hereinto11 hereness11 heresies11 heretics13 heretrix18 hereunto11 hereupon13 herewith17 highered16 hithered15 houheres14 hushered15 inherent11 insphere13 isothere11 kashered16 koshered16 lathered12 latherer11 lechered14 mithered14 mothered14 nichered14 nithered12 nowheres14 Show more ...
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