Set is valid Scrabble Word

Is set a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is set valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SET in dictionary:

Words related to SET

set3 setness7 setnesses9 sets4 setting8 settings9

Words that contain SET

seta4 sets4 sett4 asset5 beset7 coset7 inset5 muset7 onset5 reset5 roset5 setae5 setal5 seton5 setts5 setup7 unset5 upset7 seths8 assets6 avoset9 basset8 besets8 bosset8 closet8 corset8 cosets8 cosset8 cruset8 dowset10 groset7 gusset7 insets6 keyset13 kitset10 meseta8 misset8 musets8 offset12 onsets6 osetra6 outset6 peseta8 posset8 preset8 resets6 rosets6 rosety9 russet6 setoff12 setons6 setose6 setous6 setout6 settee6 setter6 settle6 setule6 setups8 subset8 sunset6 tasset6 tsetse6 unsets6 upsets8 verset9 wadset10 worset9 avosets10 backset15 bassets9 bassett9 boneset9 bossets9 brasset9 casette9 chipset14 closets9 corsets9 cossets9 cresset9 crusets9 dowsets11 filmset12 grosets8 gussets8 handset11 hardset11 haroset10 headset11 keysets14 kitsets11 knesset11 lockset13 mesetas9 mindset10 missets9 moonset9 musette9 nailset7 offsets13 Show more ...

How to use SET in a sentence

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