Nail is valid Scrabble Word

Is nail a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is nail valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for NAIL in dictionary:

Words related to NAIL

nailed7 nailer6 nailers7 nailing8 nailings9 nailless8 nails5

Words that contain NAIL

nails5 snail5 agnail7 nailed7 nailer6 renail6 snails6 snaily9 tenail6 unnail6 agnails8 hobnail12 nailers7 nailery10 nailing8 nailset7 renails7 snailed8 tenails7 toenail7 trenail7 unnails7 canaille10 doornail9 hangnail12 hobnails13 nailfile11 nailfold12 nailhead12 nailings9 nailless8 nailsets8 renailed9 snailery11 snailier8 snailing9 tenaille8 toenails8 treenail8 trenails8 unnailed9 canailles11 doornails10 hangnails13 hobnailed15 nailbiter11 nailbrush14 naileries9 nailfiles12 nailfolds13 nailheads13 renailing10 snailfish15 snailiest9 snaillike13 tenailles9 tenaillon9 thumbnail16 toenailed10 treenails9 unnailing10 fingernail14 hobnailing16 nailbiters12 snaileries10 tenaillons10 thumbnails17 toenailing11 fingernails15 nailbrushes16 snailfishes17

How to use NAIL in a sentence

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