Pear is valid Scrabble Word

Is pear a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pear valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PEAR in dictionary:

Words related to PEAR

jargonel16 peare7 pears7

Words that contain PEAR

peare7 pearl7 pears7 peart7 spear7 appear10 pearce10 peares8 pearls8 pearly11 pearst8 spears8 speary11 appears11 bepearl11 compear13 impearl11 pearced12 pearces11 pearled10 pearler9 pearlin9 pearter9 peartly12 speared10 spearer9 upspear11 appeared13 appearer12 bepearls12 coappear14 compears14 impearls12 pearcing13 pearlash13 pearlers10 pearlier10 pearlies10 pearling11 pearlins10 pearlite10 pearmain12 peartest10 pearwood14 reappear12 spearers10 speargun11 spearier10 spearing11 spearman12 spearmen12 upspears12 appearers13 appearing14 bepearled14 coappears15 compeared16 disappear14 impearled14 orepearch16 pearliest11 pearlings12 pearlised12 pearlites11 pearlitic13 pearlized21 pearlwort14 pearmains13 peartness11 pearwoods15 reappears13 spearfish17 spearguns12 spearhead15 speariest11 spearings12 spearlike15 spearmint13 spearwort14 upspeared14 pearlware14 appearance16 bepearling15 coappeared17 compearant16 compearing17 disappears15 impearling15 pearlashes15 pearliness12 pearlworts15 pearmonger15 reappeared15 spearheads16 spearmints14 spearworts15 upspearing15 pearlwares15 appearances17 coappearing18 compearance19 Show more ...

How to use PEAR in a sentence

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