Plum is valid Scrabble Word

Is plum a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is plum valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PLUM in dictionary:

Words related to PLUM

plumlike16 plummer13 plummest14 plums9

Words that contain PLUM

plumb11 plume9 plump11 plums9 plumy12 peplum12 plumbs12 plumed11 plumes10 plummy15 plumps12 plumpy15 replum10 deplume12 emplume13 peplums13 plumage12 plumate11 plumbed14 plumber13 plumbic15 plumbum15 plumcot13 plumery14 plumier11 pluming12 plumist11 plummer13 plummet13 plumose11 plumous11 plumped14 plumpen13 plumper13 plumpie13 plumply16 plumula11 plumule11 replumb13 unplumb13 unplume11 beplumed15 cocoplum16 deplumed14 deplumes13 displume13 emplumed15 emplumes14 exemplum21 peplumed15 plumaged14 plumages13 plumbago15 plumbate14 plumbers14 plumbery17 plumbing15 plumbism16 plumbite14 plumbous14 plumbums16 plumcake18 plumcots14 plumelet12 plumeria12 plumiest12 plumiped15 plumists12 plumlike16 plummest14 plummets14 plummier14 plumpens14 plumpers14 plumpest14 plumpier14 plumping15 plumpish17 plumulae12 plumular12 plumules12 replumbs14 unplumbs14 unplumed13 unplumes12 cocoplums17 depluming15 displumed15 displumes14 empluming16 filoplume16 plumbable17 plumbagos16 plumbates15 plumbeous15 plumbings16 plumbisms17 plumbites15 plumbless15 plumbness15 plumcakes19 Show more ...

How to use PLUM in a sentence

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