Big is valid Scrabble Word

Is big a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is big valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BIG in dictionary:

Words related to BIG

bigged11 bigger10 biggest11 bigging12 biggings13 biggish14 bigly11 bigness10 bignesses12 bigs7

Words that contain BIG

biga7 bigg8 bigs7 bigae8 biggs9 biggy12 bigha11 bight11 bigly11 bigos8 bigot8 bigamy14 bigeye12 bigged11 bigger10 biggie10 biggin10 biggon10 bighas12 bights12 bigots9 bigwig13 rubigo9 abigail10 bigener10 bigeyes13 bigfeet13 bigfoot13 biggest11 biggety14 biggies11 bigging12 biggins11 biggish14 biggity14 biggons11 bighead14 bighorn13 bighted14 bigness10 bigoses10 bigoted11 bigotry13 bigtime12 biguine10 bigwigs14 overbig13 rubigos10 abigails11 bigamies13 bigamist13 bigamous13 bigarade12 bigaroon11 bigeminy16 bigeners11 bigfoots14 biggings13 bigheads15 bighorns14 bighting15 bigmouth16 bignonia11 bigstick17 biguines11 lesbigay14 embiggen14 ambiguity17 ambiguous14 bigamists14 bigarades13 bigaroons12 bigarreau12 bigeminal14 bigeneric14 bigfooted16 biggitier13 bigheaded17 bigmouths17 bignesses12 bignonias12 bigotedly16 bigotries12 biguanide13 kirbigrip18 lesbigays15 unbigoted13 embiggens15 biggetier13 bigamously18 bigarreaus13 bigeminies15 bigfooting17 biggitiest14 bighearted17 bigmouthed19 biguanides14 kirbigrips19 nubigenous13 rubiginose13 rubiginous13 Show more ...

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