Bet is valid Scrabble Word

Is bet a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is bet valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for BET in dictionary:

Words related to BET

bet5 bets6 betted9 betting10 bettings11

Words that contain BET

abet6 beta6 bete6 beth9 bets6 ybet9 abets7 betas7 beted8 betel7 betes7 beths10 betid8 beton7 betta7 betty10 ebbet9 zibet16 barbet10 betake12 betcha13 beteem10 betels8 bethel11 betide9 betime10 beting9 betise8 betoil8 betons8 betony11 betook12 betoss8 betray11 betrim10 betrod9 bettas8 betted9 better8 bettor8 ebbets10 gambet11 gibbet11 gobbet11 rabbet10 rubbet10 sorbet8 surbet8 thibet11 zabeta17 zibeth20 zibets17 abettal9 abetted10 abetter9 abettor9 barbets11 betaine9 betaken13 betakes13 betaxed17 beteeme11 beteems11 bethank16 bethels12 bethink16 bethorn12 bethumb16 bethump16 betided11 betides10 betight13 betimed12 betimes11 betises9 betitle9 betoils9 betoken13 betrays12 betread10 betrims11 betroth12 betters9 betties9 betting10 bettong10 bettors9 between12 betwixt19 drabbet12 gambets12 gibbets12 gobbets12 hebetic14 overbet12 rabbets11 sherbet12 sorbets9 tabetic11 thibets12 turbeth12 Show more ...

How to use BET in a sentence

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