Dish is valid Scrabble Word

Is dish a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dish valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DISH in dictionary:

Words related to DISH

dished11 dishes10 dishing12 dishings13 dishlike16

Words that contain DISH

dishy12 dished11 dishes10 dudish11 eadish10 eddish11 jadish17 modish12 oddish11 oldish10 radish10 rudish10 widish13 baddish14 baldish13 caddish14 coldish13 dishelm13 dishful14 dishier11 dishing12 dishmop15 dishome13 dishorn11 dishpan13 dishrag12 faddish15 goldish12 goodish12 hardish14 kaddish16 kiddish16 laddish12 loudish11 maddish14 maidish13 mildish13 neddish12 nerdish11 nurdish11 piedish13 prudish13 reddish12 saddish12 toadish11 tundish11 wildish14 wordish14 hotdish14 blandish14 blondish14 brandish14 broadish14 childish17 clapdish16 cloddish15 dishabit14 dishable14 dishdash16 dishelms14 disherit12 dishevel15 dishfuls15 dishiest12 dishings13 dishlike16 dishmops16 dishoard13 dishomed15 dishomes14 dishonor12 dishorns12 dishorse12 dishouse12 dishpans14 dishrags13 dishware15 dudishly16 eadishes12 eddishes13 fiendish15 jadishly22 minidish14 modishly17 padishah17 proudish14 pseudish14 radishes12 roundish12 soapdish14 solidish12 standish12 tolldish12 unmodish14 caddishly19 cavendish18 clackdish21 dishabits15 dishabled16 dishables15 dishallow16 Show more ...

How to use DISH in a sentence

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