Tea is valid Scrabble Word

Is tea a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tea valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TEA in dictionary:

Words related to TEA

cha8 tay6 teaed6 teaing7 teas4

Words that contain TEA

tead5 teak8 teal4 team6 tear4 teas4 teat4 lutea5 stead6 steak9 steal5 steam7 stean5 stear5 teach10 teade6 teads6 teaed6 teaks9 teals5 teams7 tears5 teary8 tease5 teats5 teaze14 akatea10 bateau8 coteau8 gateau7 luteal6 osteal6 outeat6 protea8 puteal8 reteam8 retear6 steads7 steady10 steaks10 steale6 steals6 stealt6 steams8 steamy11 steane6 steans6 steard7 steare6 stears6 teabag9 teabox15 teacup10 teades7 teagle7 teaing7 teamed9 teamer8 teapot8 teapoy11 teared7 tearer6 teased7 teasel6 teaser6 teases6 teated7 teazed16 teazel15 teazes15 teazle15 unteam8 uptear8 akateas11 bateaux16 batteau9 bestead10 chateau12 costean9 coteaus9 coteaux16 couteau9 galatea8 gateaus8 gateaux15 gluteal8 instead8 lacteal9 lactean9 manteau9 ommatea11 onstead8 outearn7 outeats7 plateau9 pluteal9 protean9 proteas9 pukatea13 puteals9 reteach12 Show more ...

How to use TEA in a sentence

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