Steal is valid Scrabble Word

Is steal a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is steal valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for STEAL in dictionary:

Words related to STEAL

flimp12 purloin9 staw7 stealable11 stealed8 stealing9 stealingly14 stealings10 steals6 stealt6 steil5 stole5 stolen6 stoln5 stown8 thieve12

Words that contain STEAL

osteal6 steale6 steals6 stealt6 stealed8 stealer7 steales7 stealth10 stealage9 stealers8 stealing9 stealths11 stealthy14 endosteal10 foresteal12 stealable11 stealages10 stealings10 stealthed13 periosteal12 stealingly14 stealthful16 stealthier13 stealthily16 stealthing14 endosteally15 stealthiest14 stealthings15 stealthiness15 stealthinesses17

How to use STEAL in a sentence

Similar words containing STE without suffix al

sted5 stem6 sten4 step6 stet4 stew7 stey7 aster5 baste7 caste7 coste7 ester5 geste6 haste8 moste7 paste7 piste7 stead6 steak9 steam7 stean5 stear5 stedd7 stede6 steds6 steed6 steek9 steel5 steem7 steen5 steep7 steer5 steil5 stein5 stela5 stele5 stell5 steme7 stems7 stend6 steno5 stens5 stent5 steps7 stept7 stere5 stern5 stets5 stews8 stewy11 steys8 taste5 teste5 waste8 astely9 astern6 asters6 astert6 basted9 baster8 bastes8 bested9 bister8 busted9 bustee8 buster8 casted9 caster8 castes8 chaste11 cisted9 costed9 coster8 costes8 dusted8 duster7 easted7 easter6 esteem8 esters6 fasted10 fasten9 faster9 fester9 fisted10 foster9 fusted10 fustet9 gasted8 gaster7 gestes7 goster7 graste7 gusted8 hasted10 hasten9 hastes9 heaste9 histed10 horste9 Show more ...
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