Pan is valid Scrabble Word

Is pan a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pan valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PAN in dictionary:

Words related to PAN

panfuls12 panned9 panner8 panners9 panning10 pannings11 pans6

Words that contain PAN

pand7 pane6 pang7 pans6 pant6 span6 pani6 japan14 panax14 pance9 panda8 pands8 pandy11 paned8 panel7 panes7 panga8 pangs8 panic9 panim9 panko11 panne7 pansy10 panto7 pants7 panty10 sapan7 spane7 spang8 spank11 spans7 ulpan7 zupan16 panni7 panna7 ashpan11 bedpan11 dopant9 expand16 frypan14 inspan8 jampan17 japans15 kirpan12 mopane10 mopani10 oilpan8 panada9 panama10 panary11 pances10 pandan9 pandar9 pandas9 pander9 pandit9 paneer8 panels8 panfry14 panful11 pangas9 panged10 pangen9 panick14 panics10 panier8 panims10 paning9 panini8 panino8 panisc10 panisk12 pankos12 panned9 panner8 pannes8 pannus8 panted9 panter8 pantie8 panton8 pantos8 pantry11 pantun8 panzer17 repand9 sampan10 sanpan8 sapans8 sappan10 spaned9 spanes8 spangs9 spanks12 taipan8 tampan10 tarpan8 teopan8 trapan8 trepan8 trypan11 Show more ...

How to use PAN in a sentence

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