Pant is valid Scrabble Word

Is pant a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pant valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PANT in dictionary:

Words related to PANT

panted9 panting10 pantingly15 pantings11 pants7 pech11

Words that contain PANT

panto7 pants7 panty10 dopant9 panted9 panter8 pantie8 panton8 pantos8 pantry11 pantun8 dopants10 panters9 panther12 panties9 pantile9 pantine9 panting10 pantleg10 pantler9 pantons9 pantoum11 pantuns9 rampant11 flippant15 frappant15 jogpants18 occupant14 pantable12 pantalet10 pantalon10 pantheon13 panthers13 pantiled11 pantiles10 pantines10 pantings11 pantlegs11 pantlers10 pantofle13 pantoums12 pantries10 pantsuit10 proppant14 trippant12 tulipant10 hypanthia20 occupants15 pantables13 pantagamy17 pantaleon11 pantalets11 pantalone11 pantalons11 pantaloon11 pantdress12 pantheism16 pantheist14 panthenol14 pantheons14 pantihose14 pantiling12 pantingly15 pantoffle17 pantofles14 pantomime15 pantoufle14 pantropic15 pantryman16 pantrymen16 pantsuits11 pantyhose17 proppants15 rampantly16 tulipants11 agapanthus16 anticipant14 discrepant15 episcopant16 flippantly20 hypanthial21 hypanthium23 pantagraph18 pantaleons12 pantalones12 pantaloons12 pantheisms17 pantheists15 panthenols15 pantheress15 pantherine15 pantherish18 pantihoses15 pantilings13 pantoffles18 pantograph18 pantomimed17 pantomimes16 pantomimic18 pantophagy21 pantoscope16 Show more ...

How to use PANT in a sentence

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