Spent is valid Scrabble Word

Is spent a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is spent valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SPENT in dictionary:

Words related to SPENT

spend8 spending12 spends9

Words that contain SPENT

unspent9 forspent13 misspent12 outspent10 forespent14 overspent14 underspent13

How to use SPENT in a sentence

Similar words containing SP without suffix ent

asp5 spa5 spy8 asps6 cusp8 espy9 gasp7 hasp9 hesp9 jasp13 lisp6 rasp6 risp6 spae6 spag7 spam8 span6 spar6 spas6 spat6 spaw9 spay9 spaz15 spec8 sped7 spek10 spet6 spew9 spic8 spie6 spif9 spik10 spim8 spin6 spit6 spiv9 spod7 spot6 spry9 spud7 spue6 spug7 spun6 spur6 wasp9 wisp9 aspen7 asper7 aspic9 aspis7 aspro7 clasp9 crisp9 cusps9 cuspy12 gasps8 gaspy11 grasp8 hasps10 hesps10 jaspe14 jasps14 knosp11 lisps7 paspy12 rasps7 raspy10 risps7 space9 spacy12 spade8 spado8 spaed8 spaer7 spaes7 spags8 spahi10 spail7 spain7 spait7 spake11 spald8 spale7 spall7 spalt7 spams9 spane7 spang8 spank11 spans7 spard8 spare7 spark11 spars7 spart7 spasm9 spate7 spats7 spaul7 spawl10 Show more ...
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