Spas is valid Scrabble Word

Is spas a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is spas valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SPAS in dictionary:

Words related to SPAS


Words that contain SPAS

spasm9 spasms10 vespas11 caspase11 spasmed12 spasmic13 spastic11 caspases12 spasming13 spastics12 trespass10 voluspas13 antispast11 spasmatic15 spasmodic16 vasospasm16 antispasts12 dispassion13 epispastic16 spasmodist15 spasticity17 trespassed13 trespasser12 trespasses12 vasospasms17 antispastic15 dispassions14 epispastics17 spasmatical17 spasmodical18 spasmodists16 spasmolytic20 spastically18 trespassers13 trespassing14 vasospastic18 antispastics16 bronchospasm23 laryngospasm20 spasmolytics21 spasticities16 antispasmodic20 blepharospasm24 bronchospasms24 dispassionate16 laryngospasms21 spasmodically23 untrespassing16 antispasmodics21 blepharospasms25 bronchospastic25 dispassionately21 dispassionatene18 dispassionateness20 dispassionatenesses22

How to use SPAS in a sentence

Similar words containing SPA without suffix s

spa5 spae6 spag7 spam8 span6 spar6 spat6 spaw9 spay9 spaz15 space9 spacy12 spade8 spado8 spaed8 spaer7 spaes7 spags8 spahi10 spail7 spain7 spait7 spake11 spald8 spale7 spall7 spalt7 spams9 spane7 spang8 spank11 spans7 spard8 spare7 spark11 spars7 spart7 spasm9 spate7 spats7 spaul7 spawl10 spawn10 spaws10 spayd11 spays10 spaza16 spazz25 vespa10 bespat10 cuspal10 espada9 inspan8 spaced11 spacer10 spaces10 spacey13 spaded10 spader9 spades9 spadix16 spados9 spaers8 spahee11 spahis11 spails8 spaing9 spains8 spaits8 spalds9 spales8 spalle8 spalls8 spalts8 spammy15 spaned9 spanes8 spangs9 spanks12 spared9 sparer8 spares8 sparge9 sparid9 sparke12 sparks12 sparky15 sparre8 sparry11 sparse8 sparth11 sparts8 spasms10 spates8 spathe11 spauld9 spauls8 spavie11 spavin11 spawls11 Show more ...
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