Folks is valid Scrabble Word

Is folks a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is folks valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FOLKS in dictionary:

Words related to FOLKS


Words that contain FOLKS

folksy16 folksier15 folksily18 folksong16 kinfolks19 menfolks17 merfolks17 seafolks15 folksiest16 folksongs17 kinsfolks20 workfolks23 folksiness17 folksinger18 folksonomy22 townsfolks20 womenfolks22 folksingers19 folksinging20 gentlefolks19 tradesfolks19 folksinesses19 folksingings21 folksonomies21

How to use FOLKS in a sentence

Similar words containing FOLK without suffix s

folk11 folky15 folkie13 folksy16 folkier14 folkies14 folkish17 folkmot16 folkway20 kinfolk18 menfolk16 merfolk16 seafolk14 folkiest15 folkland16 folklife18 folklike19 folklore15 folkmoot17 folkmote17 folkmots17 folksier15 folksily18 folksong16 folktale15 folkways21 hillfolk18 kinfolks19 kinsfolk19 menfolks17 merfolks17 seafolks15 townfolk18 workfolk22 folklands17 folklives19 folklores16 folkloric18 folkmoots18 folkmotes18 folksiest16 folksongs17 folktales16 kinsfolks20 townsfolk19 womenfolk21 workfolks23 folklifes19 folkiness16 fisherfolk23 folklorish20 folklorist17 folksiness17 folksinger18 folksonomy22 gentlefolk18 townsfolks20 tradesfolk18 womenfolks22 folkishness21 folklorists18 folksingers19 folksinging20 folktronica20 gentlefolks19 tradesfolks19 folkinesses18 folkloristic21 folksinesses19 folksingings21 folksonomies21 folktronicas21 folkishnesses23
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