Dealings is valid Scrabble Word

Is dealings a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is dealings valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DEALINGS in dictionary:

Words related to DEALINGS


How to use DEALINGS in a sentence

Similar words containing ALING without suffix s and without prefix de

baling9 ealing7 galing8 haling10 paling9 waling10 avaling11 balings10 bealing10 coaling10 dealing9 dialing9 fealing11 foaling11 gealing9 goaling9 healing11 mealing10 nealing8 palings10 pealing10 scaling10 sealing8 shaling11 staling8 swaling11 vealing11 vialing11 whaling14 yealing11 bealings11 canaling11 craaling11 decaling12 dialings10 embaling13 empaling13 equaling18 exhaling19 foalings12 healings12 impaling13 inhaling12 kraaling13 malinger11 medaling12 metaling11 pedaling12 regaling10 rivaling12 scalings11 sealings9 shealing12 shoaling12 skoaling13 stealing9 swalings12 swealing12 totaling9 trialing9 unbaling11 whalings15 yealings12 annealing10 appealing14 descaling13 ensealing10 galingale11 gimbaling15 healingly16 malingers12 malingery15 propaling14 recoaling12 redealing11 redialing11 repealing12 rescaling12 resealing10 revealing13 sandaling11 shealings13 shoalings13 signaling11 spiraling12 squealing19 stealings10 swealings13 unhealing13 unscaling12 unsealing10 unshaling13 upscaling14 annealings11 concealing15 congealing14 galingales12 initialing11 journaling18 keelhaling18 Show more ...
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