Totaling is valid Scrabble Word

Is totaling a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is totaling valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TOTALING in dictionary:

Words related to TOTALING

total5 totaled8 totalled9 totalling10 totals6

Words that contain TOTALING

retotaling11 subtotaling14 teetotaling12

How to use TOTALING in a sentence

Similar words containing TOTAL without suffix ing

total5 totals6 retotal7 totaled8 totally10 retotals8 subtotal10 teetotal8 totalise8 totalism10 totalist8 totality11 totalize17 totalled9 retotaled10 subtotals11 teetotals9 totalised10 totaliser9 totalises9 totalisms11 totalists9 totalized19 totalizer18 totalizes18 totalling10 retotaling11 retotalled11 subtotaled13 subtotally15 teetotaled11 teetotaler10 teetotally13 totalisers10 totalising11 totalistic12 totalities10 totalizers19 totalizing20 retotalling12 subtotaling14 subtotalled14 teetotalers11 teetotaling12 teetotalism13 teetotalist11 teetotalled12 teetotaller11 totalisator11 totalizator20 subtotalling15 teetotalisms14 teetotalists12 teetotallers12 teetotalling13 totalisation12 totalisators12 totalitarian12 totalization21 totalizators21 totalisations13 totalitarians13 totalizations22 nontotalitarian15 totalitarianise15 totalitarianism17 totalitarianize24 antitotalitaria15 totalitarianizi24 totalitarianisms18 totalitarianized26 antitotalitarian16 totalitarianizes25 totalitarianizing27
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