Inn is valid Scrabble Word

Is inn a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is inn valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for INN in dictionary:

Words related to INN

inned6 inning7 inns4

Words that contain INN

ginn5 inns4 jinn11 linn4 winn7 dinna6 djinn13 finny11 ginny9 hinny11 inned6 inner5 innit5 jinne12 jinni12 jinns12 linns5 linny8 minny10 ninny8 pinna7 pinny10 tinny8 winna8 winns8 binned9 brinny11 dinnae7 dinned8 dinner7 dinnle7 djinni14 djinns14 djinny17 fainne9 finnac11 finnan9 finned10 finner9 ginned8 ginnel7 ginner7 hinnie9 innage7 innate6 inners6 inning7 jinnee13 jinnis13 linned7 linnet6 linney9 minnie8 minnow11 pinnae8 pinnal8 pinnas8 pinned9 pinner8 pinnet8 pinnie8 shinne9 shinny12 sinned7 sinner6 sinnet6 skinny13 spinny11 tinned7 tinner6 tinnie6 whinny15 winned10 winner9 winnle9 winnow12 zinnia15 aginner8 beginne10 binning10 birlinn9 blinned10 chinned13 dinners8 dinning9 dinnled9 dinnles8 fainnes10 finnack16 finnacs12 finnans10 finners10 finnier10 finning11 finnock16 finnsko14 ginnels8 ginners8 ginnery11 ginnier8 Show more ...

How to use INN in a sentence

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