Wash is valid Scrabble Word

Is wash a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is wash valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WASH in dictionary:

Words related to WASH

lave7 obsolete10 washed13 washen12 washes12 washing14

Words that contain WASH

awash11 swash11 washy14 rewash12 siwash12 swashy15 washed13 washen12 washer12 washes12 washin12 washup14 bagwash16 carwash15 eggwash15 eyewash16 hogwash17 outwash13 pigwash16 prewash15 swashed14 swasher13 swashes13 washbag16 washday17 washers13 washery16 washier13 washily16 washing14 washins13 washout13 washpot15 washrag14 washtub15 washups15 backwash22 bodywash20 downwash18 flatwash17 landwash15 limewash16 overwash17 rainwash14 rewashed15 rewashes14 siwashed15 siwashes14 swashers14 swashier14 swashing15 unwashed15 unwashen14 washable16 washaway20 washbags17 washball16 washbowl19 washdays18 washdown18 washered15 washhand18 washiest14 washings15 washland15 washouts14 washpots16 washrags15 washroom16 washtubs16 washwipe19 washfast17 alewashed16 bagwashes18 blackwash23 brainwash17 carwashes17 colorwash17 eggwashes17 eyewashes18 greenwash16 hogwashes19 mouthwash20 outwashes15 pigwashes18 prewashed18 prewashes17 rewashing16 siwashing16 stonewash15 swashiest15 swashings16 swashwork22 toothwash18 unwasheds16 washables17 washaways21 washballs17 washbasin17 washboard18 washbowls20 Show more ...

How to use WASH in a sentence

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