Fen is valid Scrabble Word

Is fen a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is fen valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for FEN in dictionary:

Words related to FEN

fenland11 fenlands12 fenman11 fenmen11 fennish13 fens7

Words that contain FEN

fend8 feni7 fens7 fent7 feng8 fence10 fends9 fendy12 fenis8 fenks12 fenny11 fents8 fenty11 deafen10 defend11 fenced12 fencer11 fences11 fended11 fender10 fening10 fenman11 fenmen11 fennec11 fennel9 halfen12 offend13 turfen9 deafens11 defence13 defends12 defense11 effendi14 fenagle11 fencers12 fencing13 fenders11 fendier11 fending12 fenings11 fenitar10 fenland11 fennecs12 fennels10 fennier10 fennies10 fenning11 fennish13 fenuron10 forfend14 offence15 offends14 offense13 pfennig13 refence12 stiffen13 unfence12 feninga11 baclofen15 bedeafen14 deafened13 defenced15 defences14 defended14 defender13 defensed13 defenses12 effendis15 fenagled13 fenagles12 fencerow16 fencible15 fencings14 fendered13 fendiest12 fenestra11 fenitars11 fenlands12 fenniest11 fentanyl14 fenthion14 fenurons11 forefend15 forfends15 offences16 offended16 offender15 offenses14 outfence13 pfennige14 pfennigs14 pfenning14 refenced14 refences13 reoffend15 rifeness11 safeness11 stiffens14 unfenced14 unfences13 baclofens16 Show more ...

How to use FEN in a sentence

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