Tint is valid Scrabble Word

Is tint a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is tint valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TINT in dictionary:

Words related to TINT

tinct7 tinted7 tinter6 tinters7 tinting8 tintings9 tintless8 tints5

Words that contain TINT

stint5 tints5 tinty8 retint6 stints6 stinty9 tinted7 tinter6 retints7 stinted8 stinter7 tintack13 tinters7 tintier7 tinting8 tintype12 aquatint17 monotint10 retinted9 stinters8 stintier8 stinting9 tintacks14 tintiest8 tintings9 tintless8 tintypes13 aquatinta18 aquatints18 mezzotint29 monotints11 retinting10 stintedly13 stintiest9 stintings10 stintless9 tintiness9 tintookie13 undertint10 unstinted10 aquatintas19 aquatinted20 aquatinter19 mezzotinto30 mezzotints30 stintingly14 tintometer12 tintookies14 undertints11 unstinting11 tintamarre12 aquatinters20 aquatinting21 aquatintist20 electrotint13 mezzotinted32 mezzotinter31 mezzotintos31 outintrigue12 stintedness12 tintinesses11 tintometers13 tintamarres13 unstintedly15 aquatintists21 electrotints14 mezzotinters32 mezzotinting33 outintrigued14 outintrigues13 tintinnabula14 unstintingly16 outintriguing15 stintednesses14 tintinnabular15 tintinnabulum17 tintinnabulant16 tintinnabulary19 tintinnabulate16 tintinnabulous16 tintinnabulated18 tintinnabulates17 tintinnabulatio17 tintinnabulation18 tintinnabulations19

How to use TINT in a sentence

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