Ink is valid Scrabble Word

Is ink a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ink valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for INK in dictionary:

Words related to INK

inked10 inker9 inkers10 inking11 inkless11 inklike15 inks8

Words that contain INK

bink10 dink9 fink11 gink9 inks8 inky11 jink15 kink12 link8 mink10 oink8 pink10 rink8 sink8 tink8 wink11 binks11 blink11 boink11 brink11 chink14 clink11 dinks10 dinky13 drink10 finks12 ginks10 hinky15 inked10 inker9 inkle9 jinks16 kinks13 kinky16 links9 linky12 minke11 minks11 oinks9 pinko11 pinks11 pinky14 plink11 prink11 reink9 rinks9 sinks9 sinky12 skink13 slink9 spink11 stink9 swink12 think12 tinks9 twink12 winks12 zinke18 zinky21 blinks12 boinks12 brinks12 chinks15 chinky18 clinks12 delink11 dinked12 dinker11 dinkey14 dinkie11 dinkly14 dinkum13 drinks11 enlink10 finked14 ginkgo12 inkers10 inkier10 inking11 inkjet17 inkled11 inkles10 inkosi10 inkpad13 inkpot12 jinked18 jinker17 kinked15 kinkle14 linked11 linker10 linkup12 minkes12 oinked11 pinked13 pinken12 pinker12 pinkey15 pinkie12 pinkly15 pinkos12 Show more ...

How to use INK in a sentence

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