Inkle is valid Scrabble Word

Is inkle a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is inkle valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for INKLE in dictionary:

Words related to INKLE

incle7 inkled11 inkles10 inkling12

Words that contain INKLE

inkled11 inkles10 kinkle14 tinkle10 winkle13 crinkle13 inkless11 kinkles15 tinkled12 tinkler11 tinkles11 twinkle14 winkled15 winkler14 winkles14 wrinkle14 crinkled15 crinkles14 sprinkle14 strinkle12 tinklers12 twinkled16 twinkler15 twinkles15 winklers15 wrinkled16 wrinkles15 sprinkled16 sprinkler15 sprinkles15 strinkled14 strinkles13 twinklers16 unwrinkle16 besprinkle18 periwinkle19 sprinklers16 unwrinkled18 unwrinkles17 antiwrinkle18 besprinkled20 besprinkles19 crinkleroot17 pennywinkle23 periwinkles20 pinnywinkle23 sprinklered18 tiggywinkle23 unsprinkled18 wrinkleless18 crinkleroots18 pennywinkles24 pinniewinkle21 pinnywinkles24 sprinklering19 tiggywinkles24 pinniewinkles22
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