Wink is valid Scrabble Word

Is wink a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is wink valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for WINK in dictionary:

Words related to WINK

illiad7 winked14 winking15 winkingly20 winkings16 winks12

Words that contain WINK

swink12 twink12 winks12 swinks13 twinks13 twinky16 winked14 winker13 winkle13 chewink19 eyewink17 swinked15 swinker14 twinked15 twinkie14 twinkle14 twinkly17 winkers14 winking15 winkled15 winkler14 winkles14 cheewink20 chewinks20 eyewinks18 forswink18 hoodwink19 swinkers15 swinking16 twinkies15 twinking16 twinkled16 twinkler15 twinkles15 winkings16 winklers15 winkling16 cheewinks21 forswinks19 hoodwinks20 hornywink22 kiddywink25 twinklers16 twinklier16 twinkling17 unwinking17 winkingly20 forswinked21 hoodwinked22 hoodwinker21 hornywinks23 kiddiewink23 kiddywinks26 periwinkle19 pilliwinks19 tiddlywink22 twinkliest17 twinklings18 forswinking22 hoodwinkers22 hoodwinking23 kiddiewinks24 pennywinkle23 periwinkles20 pilniewinks20 pinnywinkle23 tiddleywink23 tiddlywinks23 tiggywinkle23 unwinkingly22 kiddiewinkie25 pennywinkles24 pinniewinkle21 pinnywinkles24 tiddledywink25 tiddleywinks24 tiggywinkles24 kiddiewinkies26 pinniewinkles22 tiddledywinks26

How to use WINK in a sentence

Find what other words can be done using letters: "wink"
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