Ink is valid Scrabble Word

Is ink a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is ink valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for INK in dictionary:

Words related to INK

inked10 inker9 inkers10 inking11 inkless11 inklike15 inks8

Words that contain INK

bink10 dink9 fink11 gink9 inks8 inky11 jink15 kink12 link8 mink10 oink8 pink10 rink8 sink8 tink8 wink11 binks11 blink11 boink11 brink11 chink14 clink11 dinks10 dinky13 drink10 finks12 ginks10 hinky15 inked10 inker9 inkle9 jinks16 kinks13 kinky16 links9 linky12 minke11 minks11 oinks9 pinko11 pinks11 pinky14 plink11 prink11 reink9 rinks9 sinks9 sinky12 skink13 slink9 spink11 stink9 swink12 think12 tinks9 twink12 winks12 zinke18 zinky21 blinks12 boinks12 brinks12 chinks15 chinky18 clinks12 delink11 dinked12 dinker11 dinkey14 dinkie11 dinkly14 dinkum13 drinks11 enlink10 finked14 ginkgo12 inkers10 inkier10 inking11 inkjet17 inkled11 inkles10 inkosi10 inkpad13 inkpot12 jinked18 jinker17 kinked15 kinkle14 linked11 linker10 linkup12 minkes12 oinked11 pinked13 pinken12 pinker12 pinkey15 pinkie12 pinkly15 pinkos12 plinks12 plinky15 prinks12 reinks10 relink10 rinked11 shrink13 sinker10 skinks14 slinks10 slinky13 spinks12 stinko10 stinks10 stinky13 swinks13 thinks13 tinked11 tinker10 tinkle10 tinkly13 twinks13 twinky16 unkink14 unlink10 uplink12 winked14 winker13 winkle13 zinked20 zinkes19 binkie12 beinked14 bethink16 blinked14 blinker13 boinked14 chewink19 chinked17 chinkie16 clinked14 clinker13 crinkle13 crinkly16 delinks12 dinkest12 dinkeys15 dinkier12 dinkies12 dinking13 dinkums14 dislink12 drinker12 einkorn11 enlinks11 eyewink17 finking15 ginkgos13 hijinks21 hinkier14 hotlink14 inkblot13 inkhorn14 inkhosi14 inkiest11 inkjets18 inkless11 inklike15 inkling12 inkosis11 inkpads14 inkpots13 inkspot13 inkwell14 inkwood15 jinkers18 jinking19 kinkier15 kinkily18 kinking16 kinkles15 klinker15 linkage12 linkboy16 linkers11 linkier11 linking12 linkman13 linkmen13 linkrot11 linkups13 methink16 oinking12 palinka13 perjink20 pinkens13 pinkers13 pinkest13 pinkeye16 pinkeys16 pinkier13 pinkies13 pinking14 pinkish16 pinkoes13 plinked14 plinker13 prejink20 prinked14 prinker13 ratfink14 reinked12 relinks11 rethink14 rinking12 shinkin14 shrinks14 sinkage12 sinkers11 sinkful14 sinkier11 sinking12 skinked16 skinker15 slinked12 slinker11 spinked14 stinker11 swinked15 swinker14 thinker14 tinkers11 tinking12 tinkled12 tinkler11 tinkles11 trinket11 trinkum13 twinked15 twinkie14 twinkle14 twinkly17 unkinks15 unlinks11 unpinkt13 unthink14 uplinks13 winkers14 winking15 winkled15 winkler14 winkles14 wrinkle14 wrinkly17 zinkier20 zinkify26 zinking21 bethinks17 blinkard15 blinkers14 blinking15 bobolink16 boinking15 brinkman16 brinkmen16 cheewink20 chewinks20 chinkara17 chinkier17 chinkies17 chinking18 clinkers14 clinking15 crinkled15 crinkles14 cufflink20 delinked14 dinkiest13 dinklier13 dislinks13 downlink16 drinkers13 drinking14 einkorns12 enlinked13 eyeblink17 eyewinks18 firepink17 flinkite15 forswink18 forthink18 ginkgoes14 hinkiest15 hoodwink19 hotlinks15 iceblink16 inkberry17 inkblots14 inkhorns15

How to use INK in a sentence

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