Mine is valid Scrabble Word

Is mine a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is mine valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for MINE in dictionary:

Words related to MINE

minable11 mineable12 mined8 mines7 mining9

Words that contain MINE

amine7 imine7 mined8 miner7 mines7 amines8 ammine10 domine9 ermine8 famine11 gamine9 imines8 lumine8 miners8 tamine8 alumine9 ammines11 bromine11 carmine11 cosmine11 crimine11 deminer10 desmine10 diamine10 dominee10 domines10 eminent9 enamine9 ermined10 ermines9 etamine9 examine16 famines12 fulmine12 gamines10 harmine12 homines12 jasmine16 lumined10 lumines9 mineola9 mineral9 minette9 minever12 nominee9 primine11 promine11 tamines9 thymine15 unmined10 alumines10 antimine10 bromines12 calamine12 carmines12 chiminea15 coalmine12 coramine12 cosmines12 deminers11 desmines11 diamines11 domineer11 dominees11 dopamine13 eminence12 eminency15 enamines10 enlumine10 etamines10 examined18 examinee17 examiner17 examines17 flamines13 fulmined14 fulmines13 gaminess11 harmines13 hexamine20 hominess13 illumine10 imminent12 indamine11 jasmines17 ketamine14 landmine11 liminess10 melamine12 mineable12 mineolas10 minerals10 minettes10 minevers13 monamine12 nominees10 overmine13 primines12 promines12 relumine10 riminess10 Show more ...

How to use MINE in a sentence

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