Stones is valid Scrabble Word

Is stones a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is stones valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for STONES in dictionary:

Words related to STONES

stone5 stoned7 stoning8

Words that contain STONES

astones7 histones11 tostones8 burstones11 camstones13 capstones13 earstones9 eyestones12 felstones12 gemstones12 gunstones10 icestones11 inkstones13 keystones16 lapstones11 mudstones12 oilstones9 potstones11 ragstones10 ribstones11 roestones9 rubstones11 stoneshot12 sunstones9 tinstones9 topstones11 alumstones12 archstones15 bakestones16 bilestones12 bluestones12 bondstones13 brimstones14 buhrstones15 burrstones12 calmstones14 caumstones14 claystones15 copestones14 cornstones12 curbstones14 dolostones11 doorstones11 dripstones13 dropstones13 firestones13 flagstones14 flowstones16 footstones13 freestones13 gallstones11 gladstones12 goldstones12 graystones14 greystones14 gritstones11 hailstones13 headstones14 holystones16 hornstones13 ironstones10 jackstones23 kerbstones16 limestones12 loadstones11 lodestones11 malmstones14 marlstones12 merestones12 milestones12 millstones12 minestones12 moonstones12 penistones12 pipestones14 pulpstones14 sandstones11 siltstones10 slabstones12 soapstones12 starstones10 stoneshots13 toadstones11 tombstones14 turnstones10 veinstones13 whetstones16 whinstones16 woodstones14 adderstones13 birthstones16 bloodstones14 brownstones16 chalkstones20 chockstones22 clingstones14 clinkstones17 drakestones16 eaglestones12 fieldstones15 grapestones14 Show more ...

How to use STONES in a sentence

Similar words containing STONE without suffix s

stone5 astone6 stoned7 stonen6 stoner6 stoney9 astoned8 astones7 histone10 stonern7 stoners7 tostone7 burstone10 camstone12 capstone12 drystone12 earstone8 eyestone11 felstone11 gemstone11 gunstone9 histones11 icestone10 inkstone12 keystone15 lapstone10 mudstone11 oilstone8 potstone10 ragstone9 ribstone10 roestone8 rubstone10 stonecut10 stonefly14 stonerag9 stoneraw11 sunstone8 tinstone8 topstone10 tostones8 unstoned9 alumstone11 archstone14 bakestone15 bilestone11 bluestone11 bondstone12 brimstone13 buhrstone14 burrstone11 burstones11 calmstone13 camstones13 capstones13 caumstone13 claystone14 copestone13 cornstone11 curbstone13 dolostone10 doorstone10 dripstone12 dropstone12 earstones9 eyestones12 felstones12 firestone12 flagstone13 flowstone15 footstone12 freestone12 gallstone10 gemstones12 gladstone11 goldstone11 graystone13 greystone13 gritstone10 gunstones10 hailstone12 headstone13 holystone15 hornstone12 icestones11 inkstones13 ironstone9 jackstone22 kerbstone15 keystoned17 keystones16 lapstones11 limestone11 loadstone10 lodestone10 malmstone13 marlstone11 merestone11 milestone11 millstone11 Show more ...
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