Pressed is valid Scrabble Word

Is pressed a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is pressed valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for PRESSED in dictionary:

Words related to PRESSED

press7 presses9 pressing11

Words that contain PRESSED

adpressed13 appressed14 depressed13 expressed19 impressed14 oppressed14 repressed12 unpressed12 compressed17 hotpressed16 outpressed13 suppressed15 derepressed15 overpressed17 reexpressed21 undepressed15 unexpressed21 unimpressed16 unrepressed14 compressedly22 decompressed20 nondepressed16 obcompressed21 recompressed19 suppressedly20 unsuppressed17 uncompressed19 overimpressed21 overcompressed24 immunosuppressed25

How to use PRESSED in a sentence

Similar words containing SS without suffix ed and without prefix pre

ass3 ess3 bass6 boss6 buss6 cess6 coss6 cuss6 diss5 doss5 esse4 fess7 foss7 fuss7 goss5 hass7 hiss7 hoss7 huss7 jass11 jess11 joss11 kiss8 koss8 lass4 less4 loss4 mass6 mess6 miss6 moss6 muss6 ness4 ossa4 pass6 piss6 poss6 psst6 puss6 sass4 sess4 siss4 soss4 suss4 tass4 toss4 wiss7 wuss7 abyss10 amass7 amiss7 assai5 assam7 assay8 asses5 asset5 assez14 assot5 basse7 bassi7 basso7 bassy10 bless7 bliss7 bossy10 brass7 briss7 bussu7 byssi10 cesse7 chess10 cissy10 class7 crass7 cress7 cross7 cusso7 desse6 dress6 dross6 essay8 esses5 eyass8 fesse8 floss8 fossa8 fosse8 frass8 fussy11 gassy9 gauss6 gesse6 gesso6 glass6 gloss6 gosse6 grass6 gross6 guess6 gussy9 Show more ...
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