Metals is valid Scrabble Word

Is metals a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is metals valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for METALS in dictionary:

Words related to METALS

metal7 metaled10 metaling11 metalled11 metalling12 metals8

Words that contain METALS

bimetals12 gunmetals12 nonmetals11 prometals13 metalsmith17 semimetals14 metalsmiths18 mischmetals20

How to use METALS in a sentence

Similar words containing METAL without suffix s

metal7 bimetal11 gametal10 metaled10 metally12 bimetals12 gunmetal11 metaling11 metalise10 metalist10 metalize19 metalled11 metallic12 nonmetal10 prometal12 gunmetals12 metalhead15 metalised12 metalises11 metalists11 metalized21 metalizes20 metallics13 metallike15 metalline11 metalling12 metallise11 metallist11 metallize20 metalloid12 metalmark17 metalware14 metalwork18 nonmetals11 prometals13 semimetal13 bimetallic16 metalepses14 metalepsis14 metaleptic16 metalheads16 metalising13 metalizing22 metallings13 metallised13 metallises12 metallists12 metallized22 metallizes21 metalloids13 metallurgy16 metalmarks18 metalsmith17 metalwares15 metalworks19 mischmetal19 semimetals14 unmetalled13 bimetallics17 bimetallism17 bimetallist15 metaldehyde21 metalliding15 metallising14 metallizing23 metallocene15 metallogeny17 metalloidal14 metallurgic16 metalsmiths18 metalworker20 mischmetals20 nonmetallic15 symmetalism20 symmetallic20 bimetallisms18 bimetallists16 metalanguage16 metaldehydes22 metaleptical18 metalisation14 metalization23 metallically19 metallidings16 metallocenes16 metallogenic17 metallophone19 metallurgies15 metallurgist15 metalworkers21 metalworking22 monometallic18 semimetallic18 symmetalisms21 symmetallism21 bimetallistic19 intermetallic17 metalanguages17 metalisations15 metalizations24 Show more ...
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