Reflection is valid Scrabble Word

Is reflection a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is reflection valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for REFLECTION in dictionary:

Words related to REFLECTION

reflectional17 reflections16

Words that contain REFLECTION

reflections16 irreflection17 reflectional17 irreflections18 antireflection19 reflectionless19 retroreflection20 retroreflections21

How to use REFLECTION in a sentence

Similar words containing FLEC without suffix tion and without prefix re

fleck14 fleche14 flecks15 flecky18 befleck18 deflect13 fleches15 flecked17 flecker16 inflect12 reflect12 beflecks19 deflects14 fleckers17 fleckier17 flecking18 flection13 inflects13 reflects13 beflecked21 deflected16 deflector15 flechette17 fleckered19 fleckiest18 fleckless18 flections14 genuflect15 inflected15 inflector14 parfleche19 reflected15 reflecter14 reflector14 snowfleck21 beflecking22 deflecting17 deflection16 deflective19 deflectors16 flechettes18 fleckering20 flectional15 genuflects16 inflecting16 inflection15 inflective18 inflectors15 parfleches20 reflecters15 reflecting16 reflective18 reflectors15 snowflecks22 circumflect22 deflectable19 deflections17 genuflected18 genuflector17 inflectable18 inflections16 reflectance18 reflections16 uninflected17 unreflected17 circumflects23 deflectional18 flectionless17 genuflecting19 genuflection18 genuflectors18 inflectional17 irreflection17 irreflective20 reflectances19 reflectingly21 reflectional17 reflectively23 reflectivity23 reflectogram20 reflectorise17 reflectorize26 retroflected18 unreflecting18 unreflective20 circumflected25 genuflections19 inflectedness19 irreflections18 nonreflecting19 nonreflective21 reflectograms21 reflectograph24 reflectometer20 reflectometry23 reflectorised19 reflectorises18 reflectorized28 reflectorizes27 retroflection18 Show more ...
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