Lava is valid Scrabble Word

Is lava a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is lava valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for LAVA in dictionary:

Words related to LAVA

lavalike15 lavas8

Words that contain LAVA

flava11 lavas8 laval8 flavas12 lavabo11 lavage10 lavash12 baclava14 baklava16 clavate12 halavah16 lavabos12 lavages11 baclavas15 baklavas17 clavated14 flavanol14 galavant12 halavahs17 lavaboes13 lavaform16 lavalava14 lavalier11 lavalike15 lavandin12 lavashes14 lavatera11 lavation11 lavatory14 balaclava16 calavance16 clavately17 clavation14 flavanols15 flavanone15 galavants13 lavalavas15 lavaliere12 lavaliers12 lavandins13 lavateras12 lavations12 balaclavas17 calavances17 clavations15 flavanones16 galavanted15 lavalieres13 lavalliere13 lavational13 lavatorial13 lavatories13 galavanting16 lavallieres14

How to use LAVA in a sentence

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