Spurs is valid Scrabble Word

Is spurs a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is spurs valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for SPURS in dictionary:

Words related to SPURS

spur6 spurred10 spurring11

Words that contain SPURS

dispurse11 hotspurs13 cockspurs19 dispursed13 dispurses12 larkspurs15 longspurs12 sandspurs12 dispursing14

How to use SPURS in a sentence

Similar words containing SPUR without suffix s

spur6 spurn7 spurt7 spurge9 spurne8 spurns8 spurry11 spurts8 hotspur12 spurdog11 spurges10 spuriae9 spurned10 spurner9 spurnes9 spurred10 spurrer9 spurrey12 spurted10 spurter9 spurtle9 spurway15 cockspur18 dispurse11 hotspurs13 larkspur14 longspur11 sandspur11 spurdogs12 spurgall11 spurious10 spurless10 spurling11 spurners10 spurning11 spurrers10 spurreys13 spurrier10 spurries10 spurring11 spurters10 spurting11 spurtles10 spurways16 spurlike14 cockspurs19 dispursed13 dispurses12 dispurvey18 larkspurs15 longspurs12 sandspurs12 spurgalls12 spurlings12 spurnings12 spurriers11 spurriest11 spurrings12 dispursing14 dispurveys19 spurgalled14 spuriosity15 spuriously15 dispurveyed21 spurgalling15 dispurveying22 spuriosities14 spuriousness14 conspurcation19 dispurveyance24 conspurcations20 dispurveyances25 spuriousnesses16
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