Herns is valid Scrabble Word

Is herns a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is herns valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HERNS in dictionary:

Words related to HERNS


Words that contain HERNS

citherns13 hernshaw17 lutherns11 zitherns20 hernshaws18 northerns12 southerns12

How to use HERNS in a sentence

Similar words containing HERN without suffix s

hern7 hernia9 cithern12 herniae10 hernial10 hernias10 luthern10 zithern19 citherns13 herniate11 hernshaw17 leathern11 lutherns11 northern11 southern11 zitherns20 chernozem25 herniated13 herniates12 hernshaws18 northerns12 otherness12 southerns12 chernozems26 herniating14 herniation13 herniotomy18 northerner13 southerner13 southernly16 chernozemic29 herniations14 leatherneck20 northerners14 northernise14 northernism16 northernize23 othernesses14 southerners14 southernise14 southernism16 southernize23 tschernosem18 herniotomies17 leathernecks21 northernised16 northernises15 northernisms17 northernized25 northernizes24 northernmost17 southernised16 southernises15 southernisms17 southernized25 southernizes24 southernmost17 southernness15 southernwood19 togetherness16 tschernosems19 whatshername23 herniorrhaphy27 northernising17 northernizing26 paraphernalia20 southernising17 southernizing26 southernwoods20 whatshernames24 southernnesses17 togethernesses18 herniorrhaphies26
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