Epha is valid Scrabble Word

Is epha a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is epha valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for EPHA in dictionary:

Words related to EPHA

ephah13 ephas10

Words that contain EPHA

ephah13 ephas10 ephahs14 cephalad16 cephalic17 cephalin15 elephant13 kephalic19 kephalin17 stephane13 acalephae16 acalephan16 acephalic18 cephalate16 cephalics18 cephalins16 cephalous16 elephants14 encephala16 kephalics20 kephalins18 nephalism16 nephalist14 stephanes14 synalepha17 acalephans17 acephalous17 blepharism19 cephalagra18 cephalexin24 cephalitis17 cephalopod20 encephalic19 encephalin17 encephalon17 enkephalin19 nephalisms17 nephalists15 oxycephaly30 stephanite15 synalephas18 synaloepha18 anencephaly21 autocephaly21 bicephalous20 blepharisms20 blepharitic20 blepharitis18 cephalagras19 cephalalgia19 cephalalgic21 cephalexins25 cephalocele20 cephalopods21 cephalothin21 cephalotomy23 dicephalism21 dicephalous19 diencephala19 elephantine16 elephantoid17 encephaline18 encephalins18 encephaloid19 encephaloma20 encephalons18 encephalous18 enkephaline20 enkephalins20 epencephala20 megacephaly24 mesocephaly23 microcephal22 oxycephalic30 procephalic22 stephanites16 stephanotis16 synaloephas19 zoocephalic29 anencephalia19 anencephalic21 autocephalic21 brachycephal29 cephalalgias20 cephalalgics22 cephalically24 cephalitises19 cephaloceles21 cephalometer21 cephalometry24 cephalopodan22 cephalopodic24 cephalothins22 dicephalisms22 diencephalic22 diencephalon20 encephalines19 encephalitic21 encephalitis19 encephalomas21 Show more ...

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