Haps is valid Scrabble Word

Is haps a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is haps valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for HAPS in dictionary:

Words related to HAPS

hap8 happed14 happing15

Words that contain HAPS

chaps12 shaps10 whaps13 mishaps14 perhaps14 rhapsode14 rhapsody17 schapska19 chapstick22 perhapses16 rhapsodes15 rhapsodic17 schapskas20 chapsticks23 pettichaps19 rhapsodies16 rhapsodise16 rhapsodist16 rhapsodize25 zoothapses24 zoothapsis24 rhapsodical19 rhapsodised18 rhapsodises17 rhapsodists17 rhapsodized27 rhapsodizes26 pettichapses21 rhapsodising19 rhapsodistic20 rhapsodizing28 rhapsodically24

How to use HAPS in a sentence

Similar words containing HAP without suffix s

hap8 chap11 hapu9 whap12 chape12 chaps12 chapt12 hapax17 haply13 happi12 happy15 hapus10 khaph17 shape10 shaps10 whaps13 awhape14 chapel13 chapes13 chapka17 chappy18 happed14 happen13 happis13 hapten11 haptic13 hapuka15 hapuku15 khaphs18 mayhap16 mishap13 rhaphe14 shaped12 shapen11 shaper11 shapes11 awhaped16 awhapes15 chapati14 chapeau14 chapels14 chapess14 chapkas18 chaplet14 chapman16 chapmen16 chappal16 chapped17 chappie16 chapter14 echappe16 hapaxes19 hapkido17 hapless12 haplite12 haploid13 haplont12 happens14 happied15 happier14 happies14 happily17 happing15 haptene12 haptens12 haptics14 hapukas16 hapukus16 mishaps14 mishapt14 perhaps14 reshape12 rhaphae15 rhaphes15 rhaphis15 schappe16 shapely15 shapens12 shapers12 shapeup14 shaping13 unhappy17 unshape12 whapped18 whapper17 awhaping17 behappen17 chapatis15 chapatti15 chapbook21 chapeaus15 chapeaux22 chapelry18 chaperon15 chapiter15 chaplain15 chapless15 chaplets15 chappals17 chappati17 Show more ...
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