Trin is valid Scrabble Word

Is trin a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary NO
Official Tournament and Club Word List NO
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is trin valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends NO

Definitions for TRIN in dictionary:

Words related to TRIN

trins5 triplet9

Words that contain TRIN

trine5 trins5 citrin8 estrin6 strine6 string7 trinal6 trined7 trines6 citrine9 citrins9 dextrin15 estrins7 gastrin8 latrine7 metring10 mitring10 oestrin7 outring8 strines7 strings8 stringy11 trinary10 trindle8 tringle8 trining8 trinity10 trinket11 trinkum13 vitrine10 astringe9 centring11 citrines10 citrinin10 dextrine16 dextrins16 doctrine11 feutring12 foutring12 gastrins9 intrince10 latrines8 lustrine8 lustring9 neutrino8 oestrins8 outrings9 poitrine10 restring9 spectrin12 stringed10 stringer9 strinkle12 tottring9 trindled10 trindles9 tringles9 trinkets12 trinkums14 trinodal9 unstring9 ventring12 veratrin11 vitrines11 astringed11 astringer10 astringes10 aventring13 bowstring15 centrings12 citrinins11 dextrines17 doctrinal12 doctrines12 extrinsic18 hamstring15 intrinsic11 lustrines9 lustrings10 maistring12 neutrinos9 philtring15 pituitrin11 poitrines11 restringe10 restrings10 sceptring14 spectrins13 stringent10 stringers10 stringier10 stringily13 stringing11 strinkled14 strinkles13 trindling11 trinities9 trinitrin9 trinketed14 trinketer13 trinketry16 Show more ...

How to use TRIN in a sentence

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