Strings is valid Scrabble Word

Is strings a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is strings valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for STRINGS in dictionary:

Words related to STRINGS

string7 stringed10 stringing11 strung7

Words that contain STRINGS

lustrings10 restrings10 unstrings10 bowstrings16 eyestrings14 hamstrings16 maistrings13 drawstrings16 lutestrings12 shoestrings15 heartstrings16 latchstrings18 superstrings15

How to use STRINGS in a sentence

Similar words containing STRING without suffix s

string7 stringy11 astringe9 lustring9 restring9 stringed10 stringer9 unstring9 astringed11 astringer10 astringes10 bowstring15 hamstring15 lustrings10 maistring12 restringe10 restrings10 stringent10 stringers10 stringier10 stringily13 stringing11 unstrings10 astringent11 astringers11 astringing12 austringer11 bowstrings16 constringe13 delustring12 distringas12 drawstring15 eyestrings14 hamstrings16 lutestring11 maistrings13 perstringe13 restringed12 restringes11 shoestring14 stringency16 stringendo12 stringhalt14 stringiest11 stringings12 stringless11 stringlike15 unstringed12 astringence14 astringency17 astringents12 austringers12 bowstringed18 constringed15 constringes14 dislustring13 drawstrings16 hamstringed18 heartstring15 latchstring17 lutestrings12 outlustring12 perstringed15 perstringes14 restringent12 restringing13 shoestrings15 stringboard15 stringently15 stringhalts15 stringiness12 stringpiece16 stringybark21 superstring14 unstringing13 astringences15 astringently16 bowstringing19 constringent15 constringing16 distringases14 hamstringing19 heartstrings16 latchstrings18 perstringing16 restringeing14 restringents13 stringboards16 stringcourse15 stringencies15 stringhalted17 stringpieces17 stringybarks22 superstrings15 astringencies16 constringence18 constringency21 stringcourses16 stringentness14 stringinesses14 Show more ...
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