Depend is valid Scrabble Word

Is depend a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is depend valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for DEPEND in dictionary:

Words related to DEPEND

depended13 depending14 dependingly19 depends11

Words that contain DEPEND

depends11 depended13 dependant13 dependent13 depending14 dependable16 dependably19 dependance16 dependancy19 dependants14 dependence16 dependency19 dependents14 dependacie16 codependent17 dependances17 dependences17 dependently18 dependingly19 independent15 interdepend15 undepending16 dependacies17 codependence20 codependency23 codependents18 dependancies18 dependencies18 independence18 independency21 independents16 interdepends16 nondependent16 undependable18 undependably21 codependences21 dependability22 independences19 independently20 interdepended18 nondependents17 overdependent20 codependencies22 dependableness20 independencies20 interdependent18 interdepending19 overdependence23 nonindependent18 dependabilities21 interdependence21 interdependency24 nonindependence21 overdependences24 interdependents19 undependability24 postindependenc23 interdependentl19 dependablenesse21 interdependenci21 interdependences22 postindependence24 interdependently23 dependablenesses22 nonindependences22 interdependencies23

How to use DEPEND in a sentence

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