Truer is valid Scrabble Word

Is truer a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is truer valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for TRUER in dictionary:

Words related to TRUER

true4 truest6

Words that contain TRUER

untruer7 construer11 construers12

How to use TRUER in a sentence

Similar words containing TRU without suffix er

true4 trug5 strum7 strut5 truce7 truck11 trued6 trues5 trugo6 trugs6 trull5 truly8 trump9 trunk9 truss5 trust5 truth8 antrum8 astrut6 citrus8 estrum8 estrus6 outrun6 struck12 struma8 strums8 strung7 strunt6 struts6 truant6 truced9 truces8 trucks12 trudge8 truest6 truffe12 trugos7 truing7 truism8 trulls6 trumps10 trunks10 trusts6 trusty9 truths9 truthy12 untrue6 struth9 antrums9 centrum11 chetrum14 citrusy12 detrude9 elytrum12 entrust7 estrual7 estrums9 extrude15 intrude8 intrust7 lustrum9 nostrum9 obtrude10 oestrum9 oestrus7 outrung8 outruns7 outrush10 rastrum9 rostrum9 sistrum9 strudel8 strumae9 strumas9 strunts7 tantrum9 truancy12 truants7 trucage10 trucial9 trucing10 trucked14 trucker13 truckie13 truckle13 trudged10 trudgen9 trudger9 trudges9 trueing8 trueman9 truemen9 truffes13 truffle13 truisms9 trumeau9 trumped12 trumpet11 truncal9 trundle8 Show more ...
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