Nitros is valid Scrabble Word

Is nitros a scrabble word?
Official Scrabble Players Dictionary YES
Official Tournament and Club Word List YES
Collins Scrabble Words YES
Is nitros valid Words with Friends?
Words with Friends YES

Definitions for NITROS in dictionary:

Words related to NITROS


Words that contain NITROS

nitroso7 nitrosyl11 nitrosyls12 nitrosamine13 nitrosation11 nitrosamines14 nitrosations12 dimethylnitrosa24 dimethylnitrosamine30 dimethylnitrosamines31

Similar words containing NITRO without suffix s

nitro5 nitrox13 dinitro8 nitroso7 nitrous7 nitrone7 nitrons7 ignitron9 nitrogen9 nitrolic10 nitrosyl11 nitroxes15 nitroxyl18 nitrones8 ignitrons10 nitrogens10 nitrosyls12 nitroxyls19 dinitrogen12 nitrofuran13 nitrometer12 hyponitrous19 nitrocotton13 nitrofurans14 nitrogenase12 nitrogenise12 nitrogenize21 nitrogenous12 nitrometers13 nitrometric15 nitrosamine13 nitrosation11 nitrobenzene23 nitrocottons14 nitrogelatin13 nitrogenases13 nitrogenised14 nitrogenises13 nitrogenized23 nitrogenizes22 nitromethane17 nitrophilous17 nitrosamines14 nitrosations12 nitrotoluene12 dinitrophenol19 nitrobacteria17 nitrobenzenes24 nitrogelatine14 nitrogelatins14 nitrogenising15 nitrogenizing24 nitroglycerin19 nitromethanes18 nitroparaffin21 nitrotoluenes13 dinitrobenzene26 dinitrophenols20 nitrobacterium20 nitrocellulose16 nitrogelatines15 nitroglycerine20 nitroglycerins20 nitroparaffins22 nonnitrogenous15 trinitrocresol16 trinitrophenol19 trinitrotoluol14 dinitrobenzenes27 nitrocelluloses17 nitrochloroform25 nitrogenisation16 nitrogenization25 nitroglycerines21 trinitrobenzene26 trinitrocresols17 trinitrophenols20 trinitrotoluene15 trinitrotoluols15 dimethylnitrosa24 trinitrotoluenes16 dimethylnitrosamine30 dimethylnitrosamines31
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